How do I know if PASS is offered for my course?
The Meet Our PASS Leaders page will be updated at the beginning of each semester. Check it out to see if your course is supported with a leader. If your section has a leader, they will promote the session times in class throughout the semester.
What occurs at a session?
PASS is an opportunity for students to work together to explore important concepts, review class notes, discuss reading assignments, practice different learning strategies, and prepare for exams.
I filled out the scheduling survey... now what?
PASS Leaders determine the days, times, and locations for PASS sessions during the first week of classes, after they tally up the scheduling survey. They will promote the session info at the end of the first week, and sessions begin the second week.
The session days/times do not fit my schedule. What should I do?
Based on the number of students in a class, it's impossible to accommodate everyone's preferences. We try to select days/times that make PASS available to the largest number of students at least once per week.
For students who are not able to attend sessions, other options for help include the following:
- Visiting the Tutoring Center (C2140)
- Meeting with an instructor during office hours (or by appointment)
- Forming your own study group
- Referring to credible web-based resources (Ask your instructor or leader for references)
How often are sessions held?Most PASS Leaders will facilitate two 50-minute sessions per week. Check your course's D2L page for specific times and locations of your sessions. Is my session canceled due to weather?PASS sessions follow the Normandale calendar. Classes are not in session during university holidays, fall and spring breaks, and times of inclement weather. Please check your email and D2L page for your leader's announcements if you are unsure.How do you select whether a class gets a PASS Leader?We try to target traditionally difficult 1000- and 2000-level courses. These courses are usually larger lectures that require heavy amounts of reading/practice, have exams that focus on application and analysis, and offer limited opportunities for interaction. The remaining PASS sessions are offered based on departmental requests, available funding, and our ability to recruit leaders. Who attends PASS?PASS is open to all students regardless of their ability levels. PASS attendance is voluntary; however, our data suggests that the more often students attend, the higher their final grades will be in the course. We recommend attending PASS at least once per week.