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Make-Up Testing

The Make-Up Testing Center provides a place for Normandale Community College students to make up tests for Normandale courses. Arrangements for make-up testing are between the student and the instructor.

Make-up tests are given in room L2722 (NEW LOCATION). When you enter the library, turn to the left. This new temporary area is currently being constructed during the break between semesters, and the details for accessing the entrance will be updated later. 

Testing Hours

FALL 2024 (AUG 26-DEC 20)

***Closed August 2 to 25***

***Closing at 5pm on Mon/Wed Aug 26 to Sept 11***

Monday 9:00am-6:30pm 
Tuesday 9:00am-5:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am-6:30pm
Thursday 9:00am-5:00pm
Friday 9:00am-4:00pm
Closed on Saturday and Sunday Closed on non-class days: Sept 2, Oct 16-18, Nov 11, 28, 29.


  • Discuss with your instructor the possibility to make up an exam or quiz in the Make-up Testing Center.
  • Once approved by your instructor, come to the Make-up Testing Center in room L2740 (inside the Library, immediately to the right), during the date range your instructor approved, and during the hours the Center is open.
  • Please allow enough time to finish your test before the Testing Center closing time.
  • You MUST have a photo ID (Normandale student ID or driver's license) in order to make up a test.
  • Any students involved in academic dishonesty or disruptive behaviors will have their tests taken from them, and the specific information will be emailed to the faculty member.
  • If your course is online and you have an exam that uses Honorlock or Respondus, but your technology at home is not sufficient, you may reserve one of the Make-up Testing computers. Be advised that there is only one computer space available to do a 360-degree room scan with the webcam if your instructor's Honorlock settings require that. Make a reservation to use that computer by scheduling online: Computer for 360-Degree Room Scan 
  • Students involved in academic dishonesty will be referred to the Dean of Students/conduct office who will determine the response/sanction for the behavior.
  • From the Normandale student handbook:

"All Normandale students are required to understand and comply with College rules and regulations governing personal conduct on campus. Violations of such rules and regulations for which students are subject to disciplinary action include but are not limited to the following: 1. Academic dishonesty - cheating, plagiarism or aiding and abetting another person in cheating or plagiarism."


The buff-colored "Make-Up Testing Authorization" forms are available in the Make-up Testing room, L2740, or from the faculty mailbox areas. These forms should be filled out completely and legibly, one for each student. Tests should be placed in a "Make-Up Testing" envelope with the form attached with a paperclip to the outside of the envelope.

Tests can be brought directly to the testing room, L2740, during testing hours. There is a drop box located on the wall directly inside the testing room for tests dropped off during non-testing hours. The testing room door is unlocked and available whenever the Library is open.

Completed tests and those with expired deadlines will generally be delivered to instructors' mailboxes at the end of each day.

If you have a student needing a space to take a test with Honorlock or Respondus proctoring software, we have computers for that, too.

  • Be advised that only one corner computer in the room can be used for a 360-degree room scan. If that space is booked already, your student may have people in the background that cause flags. If you see flags and want to verify if they took the exam in our space, feel free to email us.
  • Given there is a proctor in the space, you could choose to arrange with an individual student to remove the webcam requirement if they take it during Make-Up Testing hours.
    • If you make such an arrangement, please communicate the proctoring requirements to Make-Up Testing as you would with any make-up testing situation.

During finals week, the Make-Up Testing Center is intended only for final exams. Tests and quizzes originally given during the semester should be made up by the last day of regular class meetings.

Make-up testing is not to be used as the primary testing option for online courses.

Make-up testing is a part-time service. Due to space constraints, limit the number of make-up testers you refer to the center for any one quiz or test. Exceptions must be discussed with the director prior to submitting tests.

If you have questions about testing, please contact the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) staff at 952-358-8625 or email

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