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Drug Abuse Prevention

Minnesota Law:

Minnesota has many statutes which regulate and control the use and abuse of alcohol. For example, driving while under the influence (DUI) may result in a fine, jail time, and/or revocation of driver's license.

Possession of alcohol under age 21 or use of false identification to purchase alcohol may result in a fine.

Furnishing alcohol to persons under 21 is punishable by a fine and/or time in prison. Federal Law Violations of federal laws for possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs carry mandatory penalties for first time offenders including: imprisonment, fines, loss of property, and loss of professional licensure.

Additional penalties may include the denial of federal student financial aid benefits or other federal licenses and benefits.




Normandale Community College recognizes that the misuse of alcohol and other drugs is a serious problem in our society and our community. The College seeks to promote a healthy and responsible campus environment which is conducive to teaching and learning.

In compliance with Minnesota State Policy 5.18  and the Federal Drug Free Schools and Community Act, the College has adopted the following policies regarding the use of alcohol and other drugs:

  • No employee shall use, possess, manufacture, sell, or otherwise distribute, any alcoholic beverage, illegal drug or any controlled substance while on-campus or while off-campus during scheduled work hours.
  • No student shall use, possess, manufacture, sell, or otherwise distribute any alcoholic beverage, illegal drug or any controlled substance while on-campus or while off-campus and involved in a College-sponsored activity, service, project, program, or work situation.
  • No employee shall report to work and no student shall report to campus while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance, which affects alertness, coordination, reaction, response, judgment, decision-making, or safety.
  • No employee shall unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, transfer or use a controlled substance in the workplace or wherever the state’s work is being performed. During work hours or while on state premises, no employee shall use, sell, possess or transfer alcoholic beverages. Also, no employee shall participate in these activities during rest breaks or during overtime work.
  • Engaging in off-duty sale, purchase, transfer, use or possession of illegal drugs or controlled substances may have a negative effect on an employee’s ability to perform work for the state and may subject the employee to discipline.
  • Agencies shall notify the appropriate law enforcement agency when they have reasonable suspicion to believe that an employee may have illegal drugs in his or her possession at work or on state premises. Where appropriate, agencies shall also notify licensing boards.
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