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Find Sources

Find sources for your assignments by searching individual library databases.

Not sure where to start? Check out the Research Guide for your class or discipline.


Choose a database by category or from our A - Z list.

Research Guides

Customized guides to research in specific courses and disciplines. Often includes database recommendations.

More Ways to Find Sources

You can also find sources like books and articles using our library search engines.

Not sure which search to use? Try Combined Search!

Combined Search

Search the Library's book collection and most library databases at once.

Book Search

Search for library books including ebooks.

Journal Search

Search for a journal, magazine, or newspaper to see if it's available through the Library.
Or, browse journals on BrowZine.

Other search options include the Library Catalog search and the All MnPALS Libraries search.

Looking for What's New?

See if we have any databases on trial or find out which items we recently added to the library collection.

Trial Databases

Sometimes we try out new databases.
Try them and let us know what you think!

New Materials

See lists of the items we recently added to the Library's collections.

Need help?

Don't know where to start or having trouble connecting to databases? Let us help.

Online Access Info

Having trouble connecting to library databases?
Try these tips.

Ask a Librarian

Need help finding sources, searching databases, or picking a topic? Librarians can help 24/7.

Research Help Page

See course-specific research guides, get info on MLA and APA citation and linking to library sources, and more.

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